Destination Wedding Photography

Heirlooms and Lace


December 31, 2021

A 2021 Stat Review

A 2021 Stat Review

I’m back with another recap of the year! I know I share a lot of personal words on here about the year. I like to take make this place feel like a mix of storytelling in images, with a touch of the personal. I really should get better about sharing more on the personal end.

All that to say it was an insane year! If you haven’t yet you should absolutely go check out my blog on what 2021 was REALLY like in a sort of still covid/post covid world! You can find that blog here! Just make sure you come back!

Every year I like to put these infographics together to show what I accomplished, even if it was little. Take time to celebrate my couples and those who welcomed little ones or expanded their families. It reminds me of why I do this. While at the same time being a place I can come back to see my year in review when the days get hard.

So let’s take a look at a 2021 Stat Review.

A wedding on the beach & on the pier in Leland Michigan and Fishtown Michigan.
A couple married at Owosso Country Club in Michigan standing on the greens. A couple married at Oak Pointe Golf Club in Brighton Michigan.
A couple eloped in front of Detroit Tigers Stadium in Detroit Michigan. A couple stands in the alley behind M Street Baking in Howell Michigan.
The couple stands in a field at the Jordan Valley Barn in Jordan Valley Michigan.

I’m so excited to see what 2022 brings us. I am so glad we are moving out of Covid world. I have just TWO weddings to capture that were part of the 2020 season that had to be postponed. It will be so great to close the door on that chapter of my business. I hope you’re feeling the same about the New Year as well!

With love and hope for a NEW YEAR!


Still in need of a photographer please reach out!

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