Well today I am coming with some pretty awesome news. It isn’t often you have two magazine features roll out in the SAME MONTH! This time I have a huge two page Q&A feature as the WeddingDay Magazine Pro Spotlight for the Spring/Summer Issue!
I know some of you have been following along the last few years through Facebook and Instagram. You would have recognized I share all sorts of things about WeddingDay Magazine! In fact I shared them earlier this month on Facebook and Instagram for being the Wedding Pro Spotlight of the Week For May 7th! You may also remember they featured on their blog Amy + Adam’s beautiful wedding day at Black Barn Wedding Venue! They have been so so good to me since I found them a few years ago.

Amy & Adams BlackBarn Wedding was also featured!
WeddingDay Magazine is a Midwest based magazine. The company, founded in 2005, is small with an absolutely AMAZING team that I truly adore. From their publisher Denise, to their writing and marketing team Kaitlyn + Chrysa, and the entire rest of the team, they are encouraging & huge cheerleaders for so many of us in the industry. While their focus was mostly Indiana, Illinois and West Michigan. They have spent the last few years on the fast track to spread the word and expand their market. It’s been an absolute joy to get to cheer them on. If you’re a bride looking for some REAL wedding inspiration go check them out!
If you head over to the Spring/Summer issue you will find a huge Q&A we did together. During the interview topics covered included, how my journey got started in the wedding industry. We chatted about why I started my business and what my background is. Most of all they shared one of my favorite question responses which was about the community I have found over the years in the wedding industry. The love and encouragement we share with each other is nothing like I have ever found. The phrase “Community over competition” has truly become a slogan for many of us. The relationships I have with so many is something I truly hold so close to my heart.
it was such a joy to get to chat with them and to chat with Denise when I finally got to meet her this past Winter. It’s such an honor to have been selected as the WeddingDay Magazine Pro Spotlight this issue! I hope you will take the time to go read it! You’ll learn a little more about me, my journey, but also why I love these guys tons! Thank you again to the team at WeddingDay Magazine!!
Such an awesome experience working with them! What a way to celebrate the year though!
With love – Ashley
PS Mega shoutout to my bestie photographer friend Brittany (Brittany Emerson Photography) for the feature too! She took my amazing headshots! She’s the best ever!
Still need a wedding photographer? I would love to be considered! Reach out here!
A note on this article: Denise the original owner of Wedding Day Magazine sold the company in 2022 to Kaitlyn Smale.