Destination Wedding Photography

Heirlooms and Lace


January 11, 2023

4 Things: Wedding Planning

Jeremy and Brittany outside The Campbell House Lexington, Curio Collection by Hilton

Oh friend I am internet hugging you RIGHT NOW! Also it’s likely you can find me jumping up and down maybe even squealing with excitement for you. Yea we might not know each other, but I vividly remember the moments following getting engaged. The ones during our actual engagement moment are fuzzy, I think I said “are you serious” a DOZEN times. However I remember the butterflies in my stomach, the many many times I hugged my fiance (now husband) and I remember ALL the phone calls that came after! It’s all so exciting, thrilling and for some can feel exhausting.

Wedding planning is A LOT, I know because if I hadn’t spent the seven years prior to my engagement, helping couples and corporate clients plan their big events, I would have been lost! When I think about that window of time, I remember distinctly just a few things I knew I had to do first that were the most important before I could move forward with securing vendors or truly digging in to the planning details. Today I am sharing them with you! I hope these will help you get on your way!

Number one: Don’t download that wedding app yet!

I LOVE how helpful the wedding planning apps are. They can keep you on track to ensure all the to do items are knocked off your list. However, they can also feel like you need to hurry up and get a HUGE list of things done. At some times make you feel like you aren’t doing enough. With that said, don’t rush to add it to your phone JUST yet! Leave some time to CELEBRATE with your fiance and the people you love! This time you only get to have once, and you have to make sure to soak it all in! When you are done celebrating then download this wedding app! It is one of my top favorites!

Number two: Be honest with each other

You are going to be making decisions about how to spend money, who to invite and the vision you see for your day. You’re going to find that anyone who is financially responsible for the costs of your wedding will have unique thoughts on your day. Having open communication with each other, and your parents is going to be key! Get on the same page early with everyone about guest list and where funds will be distributed too. Keep in mind items like your venue, catering, photographer, videographer, florist & music (DJ/band) are going to make up the bulk of your priority list.

Number three: Prioritize your to do lists

You’re going to find through this process there are going to be times of busyness and times of lulls. At the beginning you’re going to find you have a lot to get done and it is going to feel like you’re on hyper drive. Just remember not everything has to be done immediately. You don’t have to follow every single norm for weddings either. You don’t have to send save the dates. Your engagement photos don’t have to be done as soon as you get engaged. Unless you’re planning a wedding in 6 months or less (which is possible!) you have time. To help you manage ALL the things you need to do I created a wedding planning checklist that you can print! This will help keep you on track, but also give you a reference as you move through all your to do list!

Number four: It’s YOUR DAY! Do what you want!

This is YOUR day! After the dress goes in a box, your florals have been handed off to guests and your photos are delivered you should look back on your day in complete happiness. Take some time to think about what you REALLY want for your day! If you don’t want to have a big wedding party, then don’t! If you don’t want to cut cake, don’t cut a cake. Maybe you’re considering doing a brunch wedding! Who doesn’t love breakfast for dinner! The best part of a wedding is that no two are the same! Oh and remember Pinterest should be used as a place of inspiration. Don’t use it as a permanent guide map for your day.

Bonus Tip: Hire a wedding planner!

If you are balancing a full time job, or you’re just living life and are struggling to find time to plan it’s time to outsource. Handing the planning over to someone experienced helps alleviate decision fatigue or to do list overwhelm. Wedding planners take on all the details of your day, they don’t just help you organize and plan, but they take on the executing it all. I recommend wedding planners for the big reason of, I need you present and in the moment on your wedding day. You can’t do that if you’re running around setting up, directing vendors, being in between venue locations or just not getting in the makeup or hair chair when needed. Allow someone to take on all that responsibility and give it to someone who is experienced in the moment to moment, but also can handle any crisis that comes up!

With all this said I am so excited for you! I hope you find these 4 things ro know about wedding planning helpful! This is such an eventful time for everyone! Wedding days are one of my favorite events, solely because it means you’re starting your family! The two of you are joining your lives together to create a family of your own. There are not many events in your life this big, so enjoy and celebrate every single step of the way!

Let’s chat soon!

If you’re still in need of a wedding photographer, I would love to be considered!